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The Central MA Senior Bulletin – April 28, 2023



Hope you’ve had a great April! It’s so nice to have warmer weather and see all the flowers come up, don’t you think? Here’s a round up of the latest updates for older adults and caregivers in Central Massachusetts.

WATCH NOW: Senior Center Highlight (Gardner, MA)

This month, we launched our new “Senior Center Highlight” series, featuring the Gardner Senior Center. Learn about how CMAA’s support helps older adults across Gardner get the support they need.

To learn more about the clinic, click here.

FEATURED POST: MassHealth Changes and SHINE program

As of April 1, 2023, MassHealth has returned to its standard annual eligibility renewal process. All 2.3 million members will be reviewed over the next 12 months. Members who need to provide information to MassHealth will receive a redetermination package in a large blue envelope.

SHINE (Serving the Health Insurance Needs of Everyone) has certified counselors available to assist you with questions about Medicare. Our services are free and unbiased: we are available to discuss all options related to Medicare and additional coverage, and we do not sell any plans. The program is federally funded and state administered.

To make an appointment, call your local senior center or call the Central Mass Regional SHINE Office at 508-422-9931.

Have a topic you’d like more information about? Let us know! Email us here.


If you’re looking for a way to give back, we’ve got a great opportunity for you. Become a Long-Term Care Ombudsman! Help advocate for long-term care residents in your area. READ HERE

CMAA CONNECTS: Give Back Where It Counts Bag Program

Looking for an easy way to give back? Buy a reusable bag at the Shaw’s Supermarket on 50 Boston Turnpike Road, Shrewsbury MA and help fund services for older adults and caregivers.

For every $3 bag purchased, $1 will go to CMAA. Only for the month of April! LEARN MORE

COMING SOON: Older Americans Month

May 1st is officially the start of Older Americans Month, a time to celebrate the contributions of older adults and bring awareness to important issues they face. Check out the ACL’s official website for Older Americans Month to learn more.


The Planned Lifetime Assistance Network (PLAN) of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, Inc. is a special needs trustee. Their mission is to provide quality trustee/fiduciary services to individuals and their families through sound and thoughtful trust administration and compassionate, caring social service support serving individuals with mental health, developmental, and physical disabilities of all ages in MA and RI communities. Here is a brief update from their staff:

“The Planned Lifetime Assistance Network (PLAN) of Massachusetts and Rhode Island would like to clarify the availability of Pooled Trust options for people 65 and older in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Due to regulation changes under the outgoing Baker administration, the state will curtail the ability of people 65 and older to join Pooled Trusts. However, it’s our current understanding that the ability to join a Pooled Trust will be available for people 65 and over as long as they join prior to June 1, 2023.  It’s possible that this change may be delayed, with the latest possible implementation being March 1, 2024.

The change implemented by the Baker administration relates to the end of the state Public Health emergency regarding the coronavirus and the specific ways those interact with federal funding for Medicaid. PLAN is also actively participating in legislative and legal efforts to extend or permanently protect the availability of pooled trusts to beneficiaries 65 and over.

As more information is received we will continue to provide updates. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to PLAN of MA & RI if you have any questions about the advantages and benefits of a pooled trust.

PLAN of MA & RI is a 501 C (3) non-profit organization dedicated to assisting individuals and families with disabilities – life long, or as a result of illness, injury, or age – to preserve access to benefits, protect assets, and live well. Pooled trusts carry many advantages for people living with disabilities, and PLAN is available to discuss your situation and your options at no charge.” LEARN MORE



Have a question about caregiving? Finding services and support? Getting involved in your community? We can help! Just get in touch with us. We’re available via phone, email, and social media. STAY CONNECTED