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Amplify Grandfamilies


The Amplify Grandfamilies Foundation (AGF) is a nonprofit that makes a significant impact by funding programs that support the well-being of Grandparents raising their grandchildren across the United States of America. Our work leads to improved health, housing, and education policies, bringing positive change to these families. AGF leverages funding from the philanthropic community to achieve its goals and objectives. 

What are grandfamilies?

Grandfamilies are families in which grandparents are raising their grandchildren. This is a large and growing population that has historically been underserved. The Amplify Grandfamilies Foundation (AGF) emerged from Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging Inc.’s Grandparents Raising Grandkids Resource Center. Our organization provides a model of service provision that is scalable, replicable, and adaptable to meet the needs of Grandfamilies wherever they reside.  The Amplify Grandfamilies Foundation (AGF) is a nonprofit that makes a significant impact by funding programs that support the well-being of Grandparents raising their grandchildren across the United States of America. Our work leads to improved health, housing, and education policies, bringing positive change to these families. AGF leverages funding from the philanthropic community to achieve its goals and objectives. AGF is the only foundation in the United States focused on providing funding and technical assistance to support work-related grandparents raising their grandchildren

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A national initiative.

Dr. Moses Dixon
President & CEO, Senior Connection